Negative Pressure Weighing Cover

Negative Pressure Weighing Cover

Localized purification equipment to avoid cross contamination of dust and reagents

    Negative pressure weighing cover is a kind of local purification equipment. It provides a slightly negative pressure of vertical unidirectional airflow operation area, operation of dust and reagents such as weighing, packaging in this area, can control the dust, reagent spillover, rise, prevent dust, reagents harm to human body, also avoid the dust and cross contamination of reagents, protect the environment and the interior personnel safety.

Detailed introduction

Working principle

The equipment use the form of vertical unidirectional airflow. The air first pre-filtered through the primary filter to get rid of the large particles of dust in the air flow, and then through the medium filter for secondary filter to fully protect the high efficiency filter. Under the pressure provided by the centrifugal fan, the airflow passes through the high efficiency filter to meet the cleaning requirements. Clean airflow, 90% through the uniform plate, forming a uniform vertical air supply through the operation area, 10% through the airflow control plate, discharged out of the equipment. The air in the negative pressure weighing cover is self-circulated through a three-stage filtration system.


1. Micro negative pressure compared to the room, ensuring negative pressure safety in operation area.

2. Air circulation, does not affect the room pressure difference.

3. Non-standard design according to process, modular installation.

4.The operation area is protected by a vertical laminar flow conform to ISO7 (NF, EN, ISO14644-1).

5.Low noise and low energy consumption.

6. Full compliance with GMP requirements.

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Product inquiry

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