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Yichun Wanshen signed a contract with Dongguan Silang Company upon the digital solid plant project

Dates:2020/6/15 13:24:17 Views:63

On June 15, Yuan Hansi, chairman of Dongguan Silang Food Co., LTD., led the senior management team to visit our company. The two sides exchanged ideas on the digital solid plant project and signed cooperation agreement, marking the official launch of bilateral cooperation.General manager Liu Zhenfeng, sales director Lai Xiaofeng, Sales deputy director Yi Xiaolu, representatives of project team members attended the discussion and signing ceremony.


Chairman Yuan Hansi visited the final assembly workshop and the Digital Experiment Experience Center


At the symposium, General Manager Liu Zhenfeng introduced the enterprise's planning and development in innovation, management, market and other aspects, and said that the company would fully support the construction of Silang digital solid plant project, and set high standards and strict requirements to make Silang project a benchmark of digital management in the industry.


Yuan expressed that he was deeply attracted by the innovation atmosphere and digital development concept of Yichun Wanshen, and hoped that both sides could strengthen interaction and support in the application of equipment, digital technology, visitability and other aspects, so as to promote the rapid development of Si Lang in the big health industry.


 Afterwards, Yi Xiaolu, deputy sales director of the company, and Yuan Jinying, deputy general manager of Si Lang signed the agreement on behalf of both parties and took a group photo.

It is reported, Si Lang digital factory project includes a complete set of solid preparation equipment and digital information management system. Equipment includes dust-free crushing -batching- mixing granulating line - tablet pressing - coating - packing machine. Digital information system includes equipment management, energy management, environmental management, video surveillance, access control management, information traceability management, visual management, mobile phone APP, etc. 

The Yichun Wanshen project department is responsible for the planning and implementation, providing a turnkey solution of equipment and software engineering. After the completion of the project, it will visualize and digitalize production, ensuring the traceability of production process to promote transforming from traditional manufacturing mode to digital manufacturing mode, and comprehensively improve enterprise management level and market competitiveness.

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