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Jiangxi provincial department of industry and information technology party group member, deputy director qian yun led research yichun wanshen

Dates:2019/3/15 14:19:34 Views:62

On the morning of March 13, qian yun, deputy director of jiangxi provincial department of industry and information technology, and Yang jine, director of small and medium-sized enterprises department of jiangxi provincial department of industry and information technology went to yichun wanshen for investigation. Zhang jialiang, deputy mayor of yichun municipal government, and zhou xiaojun, deputy director of the management committee of yichun district, accompanied by other leaders in the investigation.


Qian yun, deputy director of the department, visited the production and assembly line of the company's products, digital workshop electronic management kanban, and product process experience center. And the person in charge of the enterprise had face-to-face in-depth communication.


Company chairman xiong hongfeng introduced the enterprise development process, current production and management, lean production management; It mainly introduces the online wan shen yun, information intelligent control platform and the company's technology research and development, product innovation and other work.


Qian yun, deputy director of the department, acknowledged yichun wanshen's achievements in the development process. She encouraged enterprises to further open up and develop, make persistent efforts, train internal strength, increase product research and innovation efforts, enable science and technology, with greater courage and determination to invest in technology and industrial upgrading, and constantly cultivate the comprehensive strength of enterprises.


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