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Province 03 special expert group to yichun wanshen research

Dates:2019/3/15 14:07:58 Views:58

On March 11, 2019, Chen jinqiao, a member of the party leadership group of jiangxi provincial department of science and technology, assistant director of the department and secretary-general of provincial 03 special project office, and professor shu jian, dean of software school of nanchang university of aeronautics and astronautics, conducted a research on enterprise informatization and big data industry. LAN yaqing, deputy mayor of yichun municipal government, zhou jianxian, director of the municipal science and technology bureau, clove root, researcher of the municipal government office, xu qing, deputy director of the economic development zone management committee and other leaders accompanied the investigation.


In the company assembly workshop, zhen-feng liu, general manager of the group of experts on enterprise information planning and implementation steps, the future will begin from order plan, to the production plan, material has set, process progress and delivery after fully realize the informationization management, throughout the country, all the users around the world by PC, smart phones, real-time query production progress and the situation at the scene.



Experience in test center, immersive experience of expert group for marketing information management system for solid preparation and the information tracing system, Wan Shen cloud - remote operations system, Chen Jinqiao as a domestic company "solid equipment + Internet" appreciated the pioneers and practitioners market mode, require companies to constantly upgrade technology at the same time, provide users with the most professional the most stable and solid equipment + information security system the wisdom of the factory solution.

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